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Visible (VS) and near infra-red (NIR) band sensors provide digital
images that capture complementary spectral radiations from a
scene. Since NIR radiations propagate well through haze, mist, or
fog, the captured NIR image contains better scene details compared
to the VS image in such cases. However, NIR radiations are material
dependent and provide little information about color or texture of
the scene’s objects. To exploit the complementary details provided
by VS and NIR images, we propose a fusion approach that adaptively


Visible (VS) and near infra-red (NIR) band sensors provide digital
images that capture complementary spectral radiations from a
scene. Since NIR radiations propagate well through haze, mist, or
fog, the captured NIR image contains better scene details compared
to the VS image in such cases. However, NIR radiations are material
dependent and provide little information about color or texture of
the scene’s objects. To exploit the complementary details provided
by VS and NIR images, we propose a fusion approach that adaptively
