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The performance of automatic speech recognition systems(ASR) degrades in the presence of noisy speech. This paper demonstrates that using electroencephalography (EEG) can help automatic speech recognition systems overcome performance loss in the presence of noise. The paper also shows that distillation training of automatic speech recognition systems using EEG features will increase their performance. Finally, we demonstrate the ability to recognize words from EEG with no speech signal on a limited English vocabulary with high accuracy.


One of the major limitations of current electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) is the long calibration time. Due to a high level of noise and non-stationarity inherent in EEG signals, a calibration model trained using the limited number of train data may not yield an accurate BCI model. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel subject-to-subject transfer learning framework that improves the classification accuracy using limited training data.


This work aims to develop an end-to-end solution for seizure onset detection. We design the SeizNet, a Convolutional Neural Network for seizure detection. To compare SeizNet with traditional machine learning approach, a baseline classifier is implemented using spectrum band power features with Support Vector Machines (BPsvm). We explore the possibility to use the least number of channels for accurate seizure detection by evaluating SeizNet and BPsvm approaches using all channels and two channels settings respectively.


This paper proposes a framework based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for automatic heart sound classification using short-segments of individual heart beats. We design a 1D-CNN that directly learns features from raw heart-sound signals, and a 2D-CNN that takes inputs of two-dimensional time-frequency feature maps based on Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients. We further develop a time-frequency CNN ensemble (TF-ECNN) combining the 1D-CNN and 2D-CNN based on score-level fusion of the class probabilities.


Research about brain activities involving spoken word production is considerably underdeveloped because of the undiscovered characteristics of speech artifacts, which contaminate electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and prevent the inspection of the underlying cognitive processes. To fuel further EEG research with speech production, a method using three-mode tensor decomposition (time x space x frequency) is proposed to perform speech artifact removal. Tensor decomposition enables simultaneous inspection of multiple modes, which suits the multi-way nature of EEG data.


In recent years, the successful application of Deep Learning methods to classification problems has had a huge impact in many domains. In biomedical engineering, the problem of gesture recognition based on electromyography is often addressed as an image classification problem using Convolutional Neural Networks. In this paper, we approach


Neural spiking responses are generated by both extrinsic covariates such as sensory variables and intrinsic covariates such as those rep-resenting the state of a system. Although the external covariates can be directly controlled or measured; the internal factors are hard, if not impossible, to control or even observe. This study provides a statistical framework that enables characterization of the unobserved factors controlling neuronal response variability induced by behavior, with the model parameters fitted directly to real spiking data.


A novel non-stationarity visualization tool known as StationPlot is developed for deciphering the chaotic behavior of a dynamical time series. A family of analytic measures enumerating geometrical aspects of the non-stationarity & degree of variability is formulated by convex hull geometry (CHG) on StationPlot. In the Euclidean space, both trend-stationary (TS) & difference-stationary (DS) perturbations are comprehended by the asymmetric structure of StationPlot's region of interest (ROI).

