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Misleading or false information has been creating chaos in some places around the world. To mitigate this issue, many researchers have proposed automated fact-checking methods to fight the spread of fake news. However, most methods cannot explain the reasoning behind their decisions, failing to build trust between machines and humans using such technology. Trust is essential for fact-checking to be applied in the real world. Here, we address fact-checking explainability through question answering.


Today, 3D objects are an increasingly popular form of media. It has become necessary to secure them during their transmission or archiving. In this paper, we propose a two tier reversible data hiding method for 3D objects in the encrypted domain. Based on the homomorphic properties of the Paillier cryptosystem, our proposed method embeds a first tier message in the encrypted domain which can be extracted in either the encrypted domain or the clear domain. Indeed, our method produces a marked 3D object which is visually very similar to the original object.


With the rapid growth of data sharing through social media networks, determining relevant data items concerning a particular subject becomes paramount. We address the issue of establishing which images represent an event of interest through a semi-supervised learning technique. The method learns consistent and shared features related to an event (from a small set of examples) to propagate them to an unlabeled set. We investigate the behavior of five image feature representations considering low- and high-level features and their combinations.


Due to the widespread deployment of fingerprint/face/speaker recognition systems, attacking deep learning based biometric systems has drawn more and more attention. Previous research mainly studied the attack to the vision-based system, such as fingerprint and face recognition. While the attack for speaker recognition has not been investigated yet, although it has been widely used in our daily life.


In the last few years, social media networks have changed human life experience and behavior as it has broken down communication barriers, allowing ordinary people to actively produce multimedia content on a massive scale. On this wise, the information dissemination in social media platforms becomes increasingly common. However, misinformation is propagated with the same facility and velocity as real news, though it can result in irreversible damage to an individual or society at large.


Images captured nowadays are of varying dimensions with smartphones and DSLR’s allowing users to choose from a list of available image resolutions. It is therefore imperative for forensic algorithms such as resampling detection to scale well for images of varying dimensions. However, in our experiments we observed that many state-of-the-art forensic algorithms are sensitive to image size and their performance quickly degenerates when operated on images of diverse dimensions despite re-training them using multiple image sizes.

