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Distributed Censoring with Energy Constraint in Wireless Sensor Networks

Citation Author(s):
Liu Yang, Hongbin Zhu, Kai Kang, Xiliang Luo, Hua Qian and Yang Yang
Submitted by:
Liu Yang
Last updated:
13 April 2018 - 12:54am
Document Type:
Document Year:
Liu Yang
Paper Code:

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), energy is always precious for sensor nodes. To save energy, censoring is introduced to cut the total number of transmission by only transmitting informative data. This algorithm, however, ignores the energy consumption during the delivery of parameters, which can be significant comparing to the saved power. In this paper, we consider the adaptive censoring from the energy perspective. A distributed censoring algorithm with energy constraint is developed that allows sensor nodes to make autonomous
decisions on whether to transmit the incoming data. We show that with the proposed algorithm, the overall energy consumption of the WSNs is reduced, while the performance loss in terms of the estimation error is negligible. Simulation results validate its effectiveness.

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