What is SigPort?
Signal Processing Repository (SigPort) is an online repository of manuscripts, reports, technical white papers, theses, and supporting materials. Created and supported by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), SigPort collects technical material of interests to the broad signal processing community. It hosts material to help individuals obtain early and broad exposure on their work.
Benefits of SigPort
Learn about the benefits of using SigPort (921) for your work.
Introduction to SigPort
View an introduction to SigPort video:
Overview of SigPort's Features
To get a quick overview of SigPort's features, view the SigPort tutorial video:
How to Upload Documents to SigPort
- Review the detailed instructions on uploading documents to SigPort (1280)
- Review the quick tutorial video on uploading documents to SigPort
The SigPort Advantage
- Verifiable record with time stamp and unique citable URL
- Your Document, Your Rights -- free to publish in conferences and journals
- Citable through citation engines such as Google Scholar
- Visibility to broad, worldwide, community on signal and information processing
- Obtain feedback and promote your work
SigPort is a service of IEEE's oldest and largest worldwide community of Signal Processing professionals -- the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Connect with other like-minded professionals through SPS and SigPort.
SigPort Initiative
Building on the effort of volunteers! View the current SPS Education Board members.
Andre L.F. de Almeida
SigPort Chief Editor
As the IEEE's first society, the Signal Processing Society is the world’s premier professional society for signal processing scientist and professionals since 1948. Signal processing is the enabling technology for the generation, transformation, and interpretation of information. SPS serves its members through high quality publications, conference, technical and educational activities, and leadership opportunities. Its goal is to keep members abreast of the latest information and to serve the public at large. Learn More.