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With benefits of fast query speed and low storage cost,hashing-based image retrieval approaches have garnered considerable attention from the research community. In this pa-per, we propose a novel Error-Corrected Deep Cross Modal Hashing (CMH-ECC) method which uses a bitmap specifying the presence of certain facial attributes as an input query to retrieve relevant face images from the database.


This paper proposes a fast technique for matching a query image to numerous database images under geometric variations in rotation, scale, and translation. Our proposed method extracts the Fourier-Mellin phase features from the images for invariant matching. The online matching process in our method is fast because it directly determines identification based on the correlation value between those features without the geometric alignment.


In this paper, we introduce a novel algorithmic framework for sub-diffractive super-resolution imaging of dynamic, time varying targets. We extend recent works in low rank Fourier ptychographic imaging, to incorporate model-correction schemes, which correct for errors propagated due to inaccuracies in fitting an exact low rank model to the target video acquired. Through our algorithm, we are able to demonstrate superior reconstruction quality of video from phaseless Fourier ptychographic measurements, at low sample complexities, as compared to conventional ptychographic setups.


We propose a novel method for content-based image retrieval based on the features extracted from the convolutional layers of the deep neural network architecture. Some of the popular approaches form the feature vectors from the fully connected layers of the convolutional neural networks or directly concatenate the features from the convolutional layers. However, the main problem with the use of feature vectors from fully connected layers is that the spatial information about the objects is lost. This motivated us to use the features from the convolutional layer.


Cross-modal retrieval is a hot topic in the fields of machine learning and media retrieval, making it possible to relate different types of media, such as image, text, and audio. A powerful method for the cross-modal retrieval, discrete cross-modal hashing (DCH), has recently been proposed. The DCH can encode different types of media feature vectors to binary codes. When stored in a database, the binary code makes searches efficient because the Hamming distance between the corresponding sections of two binary codes can be computed via a specialized CPU operation.


Spatial pooling over convolutional activations (e.g., max pooling or sum pooling) has been shown to be successful in learning deep representations for image retrieval. However, most pooling techniques assume that every activation is equally important, and as a result they suffer from the presence of uninformative image regions that play a negative role as regards matching or lead to the confusion of particular visual instances. To address this issue, we propose a trainable building block that steers pooling to local information important to the task at hand.

