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Current face detection concentrates on detecting tiny faces and severely occluded faces. Face analysis methods, however, require a good localization and would benefit greatly from some rotation information. We propose to predict a face direction vector (FDV), which provides the face size and orientation and can be learned by a common object detection architecture better than the traditional bounding box. It provides a more consistent definition of face location and size. Using the FDV is promising for all succeeding face analysis methods.


Nowadays, the world faces extreme climate changes, resulting in an increase of natural disaster events and their severities. In these conditions, the necessity of disaster information management systems has become more imperative. Specifically, in this paper, the problem of flood event detection from images with real-world conditions is addressed. That is, the images may be taken in several conditions, including day, night, blurry, clear, foggy, rainy, different lighting conditions, etc. All these abnormal scenarios significantly reduce the performance of the learning algorithms.


Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive clinical technique used for treatment of several neurological diseases such as depression, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. However, it is always challenging to accurately adjust the electric field on different specific brain regions due to the requirement of several stimulation parameters’ optimizations.


Traditional matrix-based dimensional reduction methods, e.g., two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA) and two-dimensional singular value decomposition (2DSVD), minimize mean square errors (MSE), which is sensitive to outliers. To overcome this problem, in this paper we propose a new robust 2DSVD method based on the kernel mean $p$ power error loss (KMPE-2DSVD).


In this paper, we propose a system for identity verification based on the gesture signals of handwritten signature captured by the Wi-Fi CSI wave packets at different positions using transfer learning. Essentially, a ConvNet is first pretrained using the Wi-Fi signature signals collected from one position. Subsequently, the pretrained feature extractor is transferred to recognize signals collected from another position via a rapid retraining process. We utilize the kernel and the range space projection learning when we retrain the transferred model.


Conformal prediction uses the degree of strangeness (nonconformity) of new data instances to determine the confidence values of new predictions. We propose an inductive conformal predictor for sparse coding classifiers, referred to as ICP-SCC. Our contribution is twofold: first, we present two nonconformitymeasures that produce reliable confidence values; second, we propose a batchmode active learning algorithm within the conformal prediction framework to improve classification performance by selecting training instances based on two criteria, informativeness and diversity.


We consider the problem of detecting whether a tensor signal having many missing entities lies within a given low dimensional Kronecker-Structured (KS) subspace. This is a matched subspace detection problem. Tensor matched subspace detection problem is more challenging because of the intertwined signal dimensions. We solve this problem by projecting the signal onto the KS subspace, which is a Kronecker product of different subspaces corresponding to each signal dimension. Under this framework, we define the KS subspaces and the orthogonal projection of the signal onto the KS subspace.


Neuromorphic vision sensing (NVS) hardware is now gaining traction as a low-power/high-speed visual sensing technology that circumvents the limitations of conventional active pixel sensing (APS) cameras. While object detection and tracking models have been investigated in conjunction with NVS, there is currently little work on NVS for higher-level semantic tasks, such as action recognition.


Feature selection and reducing the dimensionality of data is an essential step in data analysis. In this work, we propose a new criterion for feature selection that is formulated as conditional information between features given the labeled variable. Instead of using the standard mutual information measure based on Kullback-Leibler divergence, we use our proposed criterion to filter out redundant features for the purpose of multiclass classification.

