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In this short note we propose a new approach for the design and analysis of randomized gossip algorithms which can be used to solve the average consensus problem. We show how the Randomized Block Kaczmarz (RBK) method—a method for solving linear systems—works as gossip algorithm when applied to a special system encoding the underlying network. The famous pairwise gossip algorithm arises as a special case.


The construction of complementary sets of unimodular sequences of length N, with low correlation and complementary correlation coefficients is addressed. The design criterion is based on the minimisation of a cost function that penalizes the integrated side lobe as well as the sum of the complementary correlations of the sequences in the set. Numerical solution to the proposed cost function is obtained using conventional optimization methods.


Extracting the Electric Network Frequency (ENF) fluctuations from an audio recording and comparing it to a reference database is a new approach in performing forensic digital audio authentication. The problem statement of the IEEE SP cup 2016 competition relates to time-varying location-dependent signature of power grids as it becomes intrinsically captured in media recordings, due to direct or indirect influences from the respective power grid. In this project signal processing and information security/forensics are collectively elaborated.


This paper presents methods to analyze functional brain networks and signals from graph spectral perspectives. The notion of frequency and filters traditionally defined for signals supported on regular domains such as discrete time and image grids has been recently generalized to irregular graph domains, and defines brain graph frequencies associated with different levels of spatial smoothness across the brain regions. Brain network frequency also enables the decomposition of brain signals into pieces corresponding to smooth or rapid variations.


In this work, a directional modulation-based technique is devised to enhance the security of a multi-antenna wireless communication system employing M-PSK modulation to convey information. The directional modulation method operates by steering the array beam in such a way that the phase of the received signal at the receiver matches that of the intended M-PSK symbol. Due to the difference between the channels of the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper, the signals received by the eavesdropper generally encompass a phase component different than the actual symbols.


Massive MIMO is, in general, severely affected by pilot contamination. As opposed to traditional detectors, we propose a group-blind detector that takes into account the presence of pilot contamination. While sticking to the traditional structure of the training phase, where orthogonal pilot sequences are reused, we use the excess antennas at each base station to partially remove interference during the uplink data transmission phase. We analytically derive the asymptotic SINR achievable with group-blind detection, and confirm our findings by simulations.


Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC) modulation is considered as a possible candidate for 5G. Compared to OFDM, channel estimation becomes more challenging in FBMC due to the imaginary interference, which has to be canceled at the pilot positions either by auxiliary pilot symbols or coding.

