Job Title:
Assistant Professor
Processing, coding and compression of 2D and 3D images and videos, machine and deep learning, digital imaging
External links:
Dorsaf Sebai holds the Engineering Degree in Computer Networks and Telecommunications from National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies (INSAT - Tunisia), the Master Degree in Electronic Systems and Communication Networks from Tunisia Polytechnic School (EPT - Tunisia) and the Thesis Degree in Computer Science from National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI - Tunisia). From 2009 to 2016, she joined INSAT then the Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management (ISIGK - Kairouan) as Assistant. Since 2017, she has held the position of Assistant Professor at INSAT. She is also a Researcher at Cristal Laboratory (ENSI - Tunisia) and member of Arts-pi Association. Her research interests are mainly related to processing, coding and compression of 2D and 3D images and videos, machine and deep learning, digital imaging, …