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Non-uniform Frequency Spacing for Regularization-free Gridless DOA

Citation Author(s):
Submitted by:
Yifan Wu
Last updated:
5 April 2024 - 7:33pm
Document Type:

Gridless direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation with multiple frequencies can be applied to acoustic source localization. We formulate this as an atomic norm minimization (ANM) problem and derive a regularization-free semi-definite program (SDP) avoiding regularization bias. We also propose a fast SDP program to deal with non-uniform frequency spacing. The DOA is retrieved via irregular Vandermonde decomposition (IVD), and we theoretically guarantee the existence of the IVD. We extend ANM to the multiple measurement vector setting and derive its equivalent regularization-free SDP. For a uniform linear array using multiple frequencies, we can resolve more sources than the sensors. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated via numerical experiments.

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