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Statistical detection and classification of transient signals in low-bit sampling time-domain signals

Citation Author(s):
Gelu M. Nita, Aard Keimpema, Zsolt Paragi
Submitted by:
Gelu Nita
Last updated:
18 November 2018 - 4:48pm
Document Type:
Presentation Slides
Document Year:
Gelu M. Nita
Paper Code:

We investigate the performance of the generalized Spectral Kurtosis (SK) estimator in detecting and discriminating natural and artificial very short duration transients in the 2-bit sampling time domain Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data. We demonstrate that, after a 32-bit FFT operation is performed on the 2-bit time domain voltages, these two types of transients become distinguishable from each other in the spectral domain. Thus, we demonstrate the ability of the Spectral Kurtosis estimator to automatically detect bright astronomical transient signals of interests – such as pulsar or fast radio burst (FRB) – in VLBI data streams that have been severely contaminated by unwanted radio frequency interference.

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