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Lei Wang's picture
Griffith University
Job Title: 
Research Fellow
Machine learning, pattern recognition, computer vision, deep learning
Lei Wang received his M.E. in Software Engineering from the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, in 2018, and his Ph.D. in Engineering and Computer Science from the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, in 2023. He is currently an ARC Hub Research Fellow (Grade 2) in the School of Engineering and Built Environment — Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Griffith University. He founded the Temporal Intelligence and Motion Extraction (TIME) Lab at ANU, a dynamic research team composed of master's and honours students. The lab has since become an integral part of the ARC Research Hub and the broader Griffith research community. Previously he was a Research Fellow (Level B) in the School of Computing at the ANU College of Engineering, Computing, and Cybernetics and a Visiting Scientist with the Machine Learning Research Group at Data61/CSIRO (formerly NICTA). He also held Visiting Researcher positions at both the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at UWA and Data61/CSIRO. Since 2018, he has worked as a full-time Computer Vision Researcher at iCetana Pty Ltd., Perth, and since 2021, he has also served as a Computer Scientist at Active Intelligence Australia Pty Ltd., Perth. Lei has authored numerous first-author papers in top-tier venues, including CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ACM MM, TPAMI, IJCV, and TIP. His research was recognized with the Sang Uk Lee Best Student Paper Award at the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2022). Currently, he serves as a Guest Editor for the special issue on 'Motion-Centric Video Processing' in the MDPI open-access journal Electronics (Q2, h-index 83). He is also an Area Chair for the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025), the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2024), and ACM Multimedia 2024, where he was recognized as an Outstanding Area Chair.

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