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Presentation Slides of "The First Pathloss Radio Map Prediction Challenge"

Citation Author(s):
Cagkan Yapar, Fabian Jaensch, Ron Levie, Gitta Kutyniok, Giuseppe Caire
Submitted by:
Cagkan Yapar
Last updated:
19 May 2023 - 6:10am
Document Type:
Presentation Slides
Document Year:
Cagkan Yapar
Paper Code:

To foster research and facilitate fair comparisons among recently proposed pathloss radio map prediction methods, we have launched the ICASSP 2023 First Pathloss Radio Map Prediction Challenge.
In this short overview, we briefly describe the pathloss prediction problem, the provided datasets, the challenge task and the challenge evaluation methodology. Finally, we present the results of the challenge.

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