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SigPort is tailored to Signal Processing (SP) topics and community’s needs. We sincerely invite you to watch this one minute introduction video: and this three-minute tutorial video: . You will see that the documents can receive private comments as feedback from registered users, thumbs-up from colleagues who “like” your work, and promotion (e.g. highlights, recommendations) monitored by the editorial broad. In future phases of development,...

An image becomes a part of the "cover page" of your document. In this short tutorial,  you will see three easy ways to get a nice image for your document. 


You can contact the SigPort admins by sending your message via the Contact form. You may find some of your answers in the SigPort FAQs.

Only registered users can give thumbs-up (“like”) to a document. The thumbs-up can be seen by all registered users.

Only registered users can enter comments for a document. Such comments are only seen by the author (user who uploaded the document), unless the author chooses to make such comments viewable by other registered users.

Signal Processing Repository (SigPort) is an online repository of manuscripts, reports, technical white papers, theseses, and supporting material. Created and supported by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), SigPort collects technical material of interests to the broad signal processing community. It hosts material to help individuals obtain early and broad exposure of their work. THE SIGPORT ADVANTAGE • Verifiable record with time stamp and unique citable URL • Your Document, Your Rights -- free to publish in...

Thumbs-up does NOT mean that you have read the documents and endorese the content of the document. Instead, you can thumbs-up a document if (a) you like the topic or issues addressed in the document and (b) would like to read it if you have time.   If you have carefully read the documents and would like to endorse the content of the document, you can surely thumbs-up and leave comments. 

To report objectionable content on SigPort please contact us. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so by leaving a comment on the document page or clicking on the 'Send Author a Private Message' link also found on the document page.

Yes. Documents on SigPort are open access documents. In other words, users can download documents from SigPort free of charge.

Currently, documents can be uploaded to SigPort free of charge. 

Absolutely no. SigPort features different types of academic content, such as tutorials, teaching materials, conference presentations slides and posters, and various type of introductions (e.g. to new initiatives, patents, databases, research labs etc).

No. SigPort allow content from industry, such as introduction to new products, industry trends, patents, whitepapers, etc.

Simply click the “submit your work” from the main menu bar, and follow the instructions on the page. Also, you may find it helpful to review the detailed instructions on uploading documents to SigPort (1195).

  1. Login using the account you used to upload your document.
  2. Once you login, you should see a list of your documents. If you are already logged in, you may access your documents by clicking My Documents at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the document you want to edit, and then click the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. You may then edit the document and/or upload a new file.

If you already have an IEEE web account, you can use the same username and password to sign in to All IEEE members should already have an IEEE web account. If you do not have an IEEE web account, you can create an IEEE web account (without being an IEEE member) at the IEEE website,

Below the abstract of each document, you will see a thumbs up sign, which allows registered users to “like” this document. All other registered users can see who have “liked” a document.

The procedure and criteria for selecting highlight documents will be the editorial board's decision. We envision that the editorial broad will consider various factors, including the number of download and thumbs-up.

You can view Sigport the documents without logging in. However, for uploading documents, giving comments and thumbs-up, and other functions, you need to log in. If you already have an IEEE web account, you can use the same username and password to log in Sigport. All IEEE members should already have their IEEE web account. If you do not have an IEEE web account, you can create an IEEE website (without being an IEEE member) at

No, you don’t have to upload an image for each document. If you don’t upload an image, we will use a default image. It is highly desirable that the highlighted documents use non-default images related to the topic of your uploaded document.

SigPort is not a job searching service. However, we envision that users can add a special searchable tag: “looking for a job”, to their documents. This will facilitate industrial users to find talents.

We ask that you refrain from uploading already copyrighted material, such as the published version of your paper; instead, you may upload manuscripts/pre-prints, and If your paper is published, provide a link in the document description/abstract field to the publisher’s website through which a final version can be found (for example, this can be a DOI link that would lead to your paper on the IEEE Xplorer). It's the uploader's responsibility to manage copyright issues. SigPort retains the right to remove copyrighted material and inappropriate content that are brought to the SigPort's...

Yes, you may upload a video file at the "Submit your Work" page. There are a few options to upload a video presenation file. If your video is already uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, IEEEtv platforms, you may simply add the URL of your video that appears on the particular platform in the "Video URL" field. Alternatively, you may also upload the MP4 file on the same page via the "Video Upload" field by selecting your file from your computer and uploading it to sigport system. When uploading your raw MP4 file, the file size must be less than 100...

Yes. When you view a document, you can subscribe to the page, and/or subscribe to the content in a particular technical area.

A: SigPort registered users can enter comments for articles or documents.