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Selective hearing (SH) refers to the listeners' capability to focus their attention on a specific sound source or a group of sound sources in their auditory scene. This in turn implies that the listeners' focus is minimized for sources that are of no interest.
This paper describes the current landscape of machine listening research, and outlines ways in which these technologies can be leveraged to achieve SH with computational means.


In this paper, we propose novel deep learning based algorithms for multiple sound source localization. Specifically, we aim to find the 2D Cartesian coordinates of multiple sound sources in an enclosed environment by using multiple microphone arrays. To this end, we use an encoding-decoding architecture and propose two improvements on it to accomplish the task. In addition, we also propose two novel localization representations which increase the accuracy.


A differential acoustic OFDM technique is presented to embed data imperceptibly in existing music. The method allows playing back music containing the data with a speaker without users noticing the embedded data channel. Using a microphone, the data can be recovered from the recording. Experiments with smartphone microphones show that transmission distances of 24 meters are possible, while achieving bit error ratios of less than 10 percent, depending on the environment.


The intelligibility of speech in noise can be improved by modifying the speech. But with object-based audio, there
is the possibility of altering the background sound while leaving the speech unaltered. This may prove a less intrusive approach, affording good speech intelligibility without overly compromising the perceived sound quality. In this


Automobiles have become an essential part of everyday lives. In this work, we attempt to make them smarter by introducing the idea of in-car driver authentication using wireless sensing. Our aim is to develop a model which can recognize drivers automatically. Firstly, we address the problem of "changing in-car environments", where the existing wireless sensing based human identification system fails. To this end, we build the first in-car driver radio biometric dataset to understand the effect of changing environments on human radio biometrics.


This paper introduces wav2letter++, a fast open-source deep learning speech recognition framework. wav2letter++ is written entirely in C++, and uses the ArrayFire tensor library for maximum efficiency. Here we explain the architecture and design of the wav2letter++ system and compare it to other major open-source speech recognition systems. In some cases wav2letter++ is more than 2x faster than other optimized frameworks for training end-to-end neural networks for speech recognition.


We propose a novel adversarial speaker adaptation (ASA) scheme, in which adversarial learning is applied to regularize the distribution of deep hidden features in a speaker-dependent (SD) deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model to be close to that of a fixed speaker-independent (SI) DNN acoustic model during adaptation. An additional discriminator network is introduced to distinguish the deep features generated by the SD model from those produced by the SI model.


Adversarial domain-invariant training (ADIT) proves to be effective in suppressing the effects of domain variability in acoustic modeling and has led to improved performance in automatic speech recognition (ASR). In ADIT, an auxiliary domain classifier takes in equally-weighted deep features from a deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model and is trained to improve their domain-invariance by optimizing an adversarial loss function.


The use of deep networks to extract embeddings for speaker recognition has proven successfully. However, such embeddings are susceptible to performance degradation due to the mismatches among the training, enrollment, and test conditions. In this work, we propose an adversarial speaker verification (ASV) scheme to learn the condition-invariant deep embedding via adversarial multi-task training. In ASV, a speaker classification network and a condition identification network are jointly optimized to minimize the speaker classification loss and simultaneously mini-maximize the condition loss.

