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A Joint Model-Driven Unfolding Network For Degraded Low-Quality Color-Depth Images Enhancement

Citation Author(s):
Lijun Zhao; Ke Wang; Jinjing Zhang; Jie Zhao; Anhong Wang
Submitted by:
LIjun Zhao
Last updated:
17 November 2023 - 12:05pm
Document Type:
Presentation Slides
Document Year:
Jie Zhao
Paper Code:
ICIP-Paper ID: 1495

Inspired by multi-task learning, degraded low-quality color-depth images enhancement tasks are transformed as a joint color-depth optimization model by using maximum a posteriori estimation. This model is optimized alternatively in an iterative way to get the solutions of CGD-SR task and Low-Brightness Color Image Enhancement (LBC-IE) task. The whole iterative optimization procedure is expanded as a joint model-driven unfolding network. Many experimental results have confirmed that high-resolution reconstruction of the depth map and the enhancement of low-brightness image can be realized simultaneously in one network. Furthermore, the proposed method with network interpretability can exceed that of many inexplicable CGD-SR methods and LBC-IE methods.

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