PMHI: Proposals From Motion History Images for Temporal Segmentation of Long Uncut Videos

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Sergio Velastin
- Last updated:
- 4 October 2018 - 11:39am
- Document Type:
- Poster
- Document Year:
- 2018
- Event:
- Presenters:
- Sergio A Velastin
- Paper Code:
- 3398
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This letter proposes a method for the generation of temporal action proposals for the segmentation of long uncut video sequences. The presence of consecutive multiple actions in video sequences makes the temporal segmentation a challenging problem due to the unconstrained nature of actions in space and time. To address this issue, we exploit the nonaction segments present between the actual human actions in uncut videos. From the long uncut video, we compute the energy of consecutive nonoverlapping motion history images (MHIs), which provides spatiotemporal information of motion. Our proposals from MHIs (PMHI) are based on clustering the MHIs into actions and nonaction segments by detecting minima from the energy of MHIs. PMHI efficiently segments the long uncut videos into a small number of nonoverlapping temporal action proposals. The strength of PMHI is that it is unsupervised, which alleviates the requirement for any training data. Our temporal action proposal method outperforms the existing proposal methods on the Multi-view Human Action video (MuHAVi)-uncut and Computer Vision and Pattern recognition (CVPR) 2012 Change Detection datasets with an average recall rate of 86.1% and 86.0%, respectively.