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Poster for the paper "Dynamic Bandwidth Variational Mode Decomposition"

Citation Author(s):
Andreas Angelou, Georgios Apostolidis, Leontios Hadjileontiadis
Submitted by:
Andreas Angelou
Last updated:
6 June 2024 - 10:50am
Document Type:
Document Year:
Andreas Angelou
Paper Code:

Signal decomposition techniques aim to break down nonstationary signals into their oscillatory components, serving as a preliminary step in various practical signal processing applications. This has motivated researchers to explore different strategies, yielding several distinct approaches. A wellknown optimization-based method, the Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD), relies on the formulation of an optimization problem utilizing constant-bandwidthWiener filters. However, this poses limitations in constant bandwidth and the need for constituent count. In this paper, the Dynamic Bandwidth VMD (DB-VMD) is proposed to generalize VMD by addressing the Wiener filter limitations through enhancement of the optimization problem with an additional constraint. Experiments in synthetic signals highlight DB-VMD’s noise robustness and adaptability in comparison to VMD, paving the way for many applications, especially when the analyzed signals are contaminated with noise.

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