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Speaker Diarization with LSTM

Citation Author(s):
Quan Wang, Carlton Downey, Li Wan, Philip Andrew Mansfield, Ignacio Lopez Moreno
Submitted by:
Quan Wang
Last updated:
12 April 2018 - 11:54am
Document Type:
Document Year:
Ignacio Lopez Moreno
Paper Code:

For many years, i-vector based audio embedding techniques were the dominant approach for speaker verification and speaker diarization applications. However, mirroring the rise of deep learning in various domains, neural network based audio embeddings, also known as d-vectors, have consistently demonstrated superior speaker verification performance. In this paper, we build on the success of d-vector based speaker verification systems to develop a new d-vector based approach to speaker diarization. Specifically, we combine LSTM-based d-vector audio embeddings with recent work in non-parametric clustering to obtain a state-of-the-art speaker diarization system. Our system is evaluated on three standard public datasets, suggesting that d-vector based diarization systems offer significant advantages over traditional i-vector based systems. We achieved a 12.0% diarization error rate on NIST SRE 2000 CALLHOME, while our model is trained with out-of-domain data from voice search logs.

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