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This paper proposes a new method for pre-echo reduction in transform-based audio coding by controlling the temporal envelope of the waveform. The proposed method comprises two operating modes: temporal envelope flattening and temporal envelope correction of a target signal. The proposed method estimates signal levels with a low temporal resolution from side information using machine learning and converts them into a signal to be applied to the target signal to flatten and correct the temporal envelope.


The problem of predicting emotional attributes from speech has often focused on predicting a single value from a sentence or short speaking turn. These methods often ignore that natural emotions are both dynamic and dependent on context. To model the dynamic nature of emotions, we can treat the prediction of emotion from speech as a time-series problem. We refer to the problem of predicting these emotional traces as dynamic speech emotion recognition. Previous studies in this area have used models that treat all emotional traces as coming from the same underlying distribution.


Efficient training of large-scale graph neural networks (GNNs) has been studied with a specific focus on reducing their memory consumption. Work by Liu et al. (2022) proposed extreme activation compression (EXACT) which demonstrated drastic reduction in memory consumption by performing quantization of the intermediate activation maps down to using INT2 precision. They showed little to no reduction in performance while achieving large reductions in GPU memory consumption.


Filter Decomposition (FD) methods have gained traction in compressing large neural networks by dividing weights into basis and coefficients. Recent advancements have focused on reducing weight redundancy by sharing either basis or coefficients stage-wise. However, traditional sharing approaches have overlooked the potential of sharing basis on a network-wide scale. In this study, we introduce an FD technique called G-SharP that elevates performance by using globally shared kernels throughout the network.


Large self-supervised pre-trained speech models require computationally expensive fine-tuning for downstream tasks. Soft prompt tuning offers a simple parameter-efficient alternative by utilizing minimal soft prompt guidance, enhancing portability while also maintaining competitive performance. However, not many people understand how and why this is so. In this study, we aim to deepen our understanding of this emerging method by investigating the role of soft prompts in automatic speech recognition (ASR).


We consider the problem of routing network packets in a large-scale communication system where the nodes have access to only local information. We formulate this problem as a constrained learning problem, which can be solved using a distributed optimization algorithm. We approach this distributed optimization using a novel state-augmentation (SA) strategy to maximize the aggregate information packets at different source nodes, leveraging dual variables corresponding to flow constraint violations.


Human brain signals are highly complex and dynamic in nature. Electroencephalogram (EEG) devices capture some of this complexity, both in space and in time, with a certain resolution. Recently, transformer-based models have been explored in various applications with different modalities of data. In this work, we introduce a transformer-based model for the classification of EEG signals, inspired by the recent success of the Vision Transformer (ViT) in image classification.


Backpropagation (BP) has been a successful optimization technique for deep learning models. However, its limitations, such as backward- and update-locking, and its biological implausibility, hinder the concurrent updating of layers and do not mimic the local learning processes observed in the human brain. To address these issues, recent research has suggested using local error signals to asynchronously train network blocks. However, this approach often involves extensive trial-and-error iterations to determine the best configuration for local training.


In this paper, we present our submission to the 2nd e-Prevention Grand Challenge hosted at ICASSP 2024. The objective posed in the challenge was to identify psychotic and non- psychotic relapses in patients using biosignals captured by wearable sensors. Our proposed solution is an unsupervised anomaly detection approach based on Transformers. We train individual models for each patient to predict the timestamps of biosignal measurements on non-relapse days, implicitly modeling normal daily routines.


Code clone detection aims at finding code fragments with syntactic or semantic similarity. Most of current approaches mainly focus on detecting syntactic similarity while ignoring semantic long-term context alignment, and these detection methods encode the source code using human-designed models, a process which requires both expert input and a significant cost of time for experimentation and refinement. To address these challenges, we introduce the Transformer Code Neural Architecture Search (TCNAS), an approach designed to optimize transformer-based architectures for detection.

