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Two-Dimensional Tomography from Noisy Projection Tilt Series Taken at Unknown View Angles with Non-Uniform Distribution

Citation Author(s):
Lingda Wang, Zhizhen Zhao
Submitted by:
Lingda Wang
Last updated:
18 September 2019 - 11:46am
Document Type:
Presentation Slides
Document Year:
Lingda Wang
Paper Code:

We consider a problem that recovers a 2-D object and the underlying view angle distribution from its noisy projection tilt series taken at unknown view angles. Traditional approaches rely on the estimation of the view angles of the projections, which do not scale well with the sample size and are sensitive to noise. We introduce a new approach using the moment features to simultaneously recover the underlying object and the distribution of view angles. This problem is formulated as constrained nonlinear least squares in terms of the truncated Fourier-Bessel expansion coefficients of the object and is solved by a new alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)-based algorithm. Our numerical experiments show that the new approach outperforms the expectation maximization (EM)-based maximum marginalized likelihood estimation in efficiency and accuracy. Furthermore, the hybrid method that uses EM to refine ADMM solution achieves the best performance.

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