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Transformer networks, originally developed in the community of machine translation to eliminate sequential nature of recurrent neural networks, have shown impressive results in other natural language processing and machine vision tasks. Self-attention is the core module behind visual transformers which globally mixes the image information. This module drastically reduces the intrinsic inductive bias imposed by CNNs, such as locality, while encountering insufficient robustness against some adversarial attacks.


We propose GLassoformer, a novel and efficient transformer architecture leveraging group Lasso regularization to reduce the number of queries of the standard self-attention mechanism. Due to the sparsified queries, GLassoformer is more computationally efficient than the standard transformers. On the power grid post-fault voltage prediction task, GLassoformer shows remarkably better prediction than many existing benchmark algorithms in terms of accuracy and stability.


This paper deals with the problem of localization in a cellular network in a dense urban scenario. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) typically perform poorly in urban environments, where the likelihood of line-of-sight conditions is low, and thus alternative localization methods are required for good accuracy.


This paper deals with the problem of localization in a cellular network in a dense urban scenario. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) typically perform poorly in urban environments, where the likelihood of line-of-sight conditions is low, and thus alternative localization methods are required for good accuracy.


The Speech Emotion Recognition Adaptation Benchmark (SERAB) is a new framework to evaluate the performance and generalization capacity of different approaches for utterance-level SER. The benchmark is composed of nine datasets for SER in six languages. We used the proposed framework to evaluate a selection of standard hand-crafted feature sets and state-of-the-art DNN representations. The results highlight that using only a subset of the data included in SERAB can result in biased evaluation, while compliance with the proposed protocol can circumvent this issue.

