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Traditionally, the vision community has devised algorithms to estimate the distance between an original image and images that have been subject to perturbations. Inspiration was usually taken from the human visual perceptual system and how the system processes different perturbations in order to replicate to what extent it determines our ability to judge image quality. While recent works have presented deep neural networks trained to predict human perceptual quality, very few borrow any intuitions from the human visual system.


Video traffic comprises a large majority of the total traffic on the internet today. Uncompressed visual data requires a very large data rate; lossy compression techniques are employed in order to keep the data-rate manageable. Increasingly, a significant amount of visual data being generated is consumed by analytics (such as classification, detection, etc.) residing in the cloud. Image and video compression can produce visual artifacts, especially at lower data-rates, which can result in a significant drop in performance on such analytic tasks.
