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3D scene understanding is crucial for facilitating seamless interaction between digital devices and the physical world. Real-time capturing and processing of the 3D scene are essential for achieving this seamless integration. While existing approaches typically separate acquisition and processing for each frame, the advent of resolution-scalable 3D sensors offers an opportunity to overcome this paradigm and fully leverage the otherwise wasted acquisition time to initiate processing.


Existing techniques to compress point cloud attributes leverage either geometric or video-based compression tools. We explore a radically different approach inspired by recent advances in point cloud representation learning. Point clouds can be interpreted as 2D manifolds in 3D space. Specifically, we fold a 2D grid onto a point cloud and we map attributes from the point cloud onto the folded 2D grid using a novel optimized mapping method. This mapping results in an image, which opens a way to apply existing image processing techniques on point cloud attributes.


The recently introduced plenoptic point cloud representation marries a 3D point cloud with a light field. Instead of each point being associated with a single colour value, there can be multiple values to represent the colour at that point as perceived from different viewpoints. This representation was introduced together with a compression technique for the multi-view colour vectors, which is an extension of the RAHT method for point cloud attribute coding.
