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Since mask occlusion causes plentiful loss of facial feature, Masked Face Recognition (MFR) is a challenging image processing task, and the recognition results are susceptible to noise. However, existing MFR methods are mostly deterministic point embedding models, which are limited in representing noise images. Moreover, Data Uncertainty Learning (DUL) fails to achieve reasonable performance in MFR.


This paper addresses the problem of automated recognition of faces and facial attributes by proposing a new general approach called Accumulative Local Sparse Representation (ALSR). In the learning stage, we build a general dictionary of patches that are extracted from face images in a dense manner on a grid. In the testing stage, patches of the query image are sparsely represented using a \em local dictionary. This dictionary contains similar atoms of the general dictionary that are spatially in the same neighborhood.


Real-world face recognition using a single sample per person (SSPP) is a challenging task. The problem is exacerbated if the conditions under which the gallery image and the probe set are captured are completely different. To address these issues from the perspective of domain adaptation, we introduce an SSPP domain adaptation network (SSPP-DAN). In the proposed approach, domain adaptation, feature extraction, and classification are performed jointly using a deep architecture with domain-adversarial training.
