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In Versatile Video Coding (VVC), Cross-component Linear Model (CCLM) predicts chroma samples by assuming a linear relationship between luma and chroma components. In performing CCLM for video in YUV 4:2:0 chroma format, collocated luma samples are firstly downsampled by a low-pass filter to match luma resolution with chroma, and one linear model of luma-chroma sample pairs is applied on the reconstructed luma samples to generate the predicted chroma samples.


This paper presents the new profile to supersede the existing Geometry Absent profile supported in the MPEG immersive video (MIV) coding standard. The proposed MIV Extended Decoder-Side Depth Estimation (MIV DSDE) profile was developed to cover more diverse use cases and applications based on the decoder-side depth estimation scheme and allow for further improvements of the efficiency of incoming MIV ed. 2, even after the standard will reach its final stage.


Most video platforms provide video streaming services with different qualities, and the resolution of the videos usually adjusts the quality of the services. So high-resolution videos need to be downsampled for compression. In order to solve the problem of video coding at different resolutions, we propose a rate-guided arbitrary rescaling network (RARN) for video resizing before encoding.


Since the distortions on simple pixels are more noticeable than those on complex pixels, this paper proposes a pixel-wise quantization method, which allows to reduce the quantization parameters of simple pixels adaptively for the purpose of enhancing the subjective quality, and no additional syntax need to be transmitted in the bitstream. The discrimination of simple pixels is based on the texture complexity of the neighboring reconstruction pixels. The reduction of quantization parameters is related to the just noticeable difference for the human visual system.


Restoring high-quality videos from low-quality compressed ones is a crucial research topic in video coding. Most existing methods do not exploit the information in the long-distance compressed frames. Even when they do, these methods ignore the effect of interference information during reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a unique Long-distance Information Filtering (LIF) scheme with the 3D-CNN, which enhances compressed videos by mining filtered and valid information from long-distance frames.


In the development of video coding standard, decoder-side motion derivation technology has been proven to provide promising coding efficiency. With this type of technology, the motion information is derived at the decoder instead of being signaled in the bitstream by the encoder, and thus, the number of bits to be sent are reduced. A typical decoder-side derivation technology is template matching, which refines the motion by finding the closest match between neighboring reconstructed samples and corresponding reference samples in the reference pictures.


This paper proposes a novel quantization parameter (QP) derivation module that constructs several spatiotemporal characteristics into key-frame QP determination through an efficient pre-analysis progress. A series of simplified prediction modes and a histogram statistic are employed to model the reference quality that key-frames provide to subsequent frames. An adaptive delta-QP value is generated to address the conflict between the low compression efficiency of intra-only frames and the critical predictive basis of temporal-underlying frames.


Lightweight video compression has effectively alleviated the tension between growing transmission demands and expensive integration upgrades. Effective rate control algorithms are believed to be the crucial bottleneck for quality improvement during those ultra-high throughput coding processes. This paper proposes a novel rate control (RC) scheme that constructs a contextual adaptive bit estimation model through clustering historical compression information into block-gradient complexity categories.

