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Large scale images allow pathologists to perform reviews, using
computer workstations instead of microscopes. This trend raises
a wide range of issues related to the management of these massive
datasets. In particular, efficient solutions for data storage and processing
have to be developed in order to deliver increasingly reliable
and faster analyses. In addition, the improvement of workflows also
requires the reinforcement of visualization capabilities. In this paper,
we present a new virtual microscopy (VM) approach for interactivetime


Video summarization has become more prominent during the last decade, due to the massive amount of available digital video content. A video summarization algorithm is typically fed an input video and expected to extract a set of important key-frames which represent the entire content, convey semantic meaning and are significantly more concise than the original input. The most wide-spread approach relies on video frame clustering and extraction of the frames closest to the cluster centroids as key-frames.


Video summarization is a timely and rapidly developing research field with broad commercial interest, due to the increasing availability of massive video data. Relevant algorithms face the challenge of needing to achieve a careful balance between summary compactness, enjoyability and content coverage. The specific case of stereoscopic $3$D theatrical films has become more important over the past years, but not received corresponding research attention.


One of the longstanding problems in spectral graph clustering (SGC) is the so-called model order selection problem: automated selection of the correct number of clusters. This is equivalent to the problem of finding the number of connected components or communities in an undirected graph. In this paper, we propose AMOS, an automated model order selection algorithm for SGC.


Summarization of videos depicting human activities is a timely problem with important applications, e.g., in the domains of surveillance or film/TV production, that steadily becomes more relevant. Research on video summarization has mainly relied on global clustering or local (frame-by-frame) saliency methods to provide automated algorithmic


Summarization of videos depicting human activities is a timely problem with important applications, e.g., in the domains of surveillance or film/TV production, that steadily becomes more relevant. Research on video summarization has mainly relied on global clustering or local (frame-by-frame) saliency methods to provide automated algorithmic


Summarization of videos depicting human activities is a timely problem with important applications, e.g., in the domains of surveillance or film/TV production, that steadily becomes more relevant. Research on video summarization has mainly relied on global clustering or local (frame-by-frame) saliency methods to provide automated algorithmic

