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In this work, we present a hybrid CTC/Attention model based on a modified ResNet-18 and Convolution-augmented transformer (Conformer), that can be trained in an end-to-end manner. In particular, the audio and visual encoders learn to extract features directly from raw pixels and audio waveforms, respectively, which are then fed to conformers and then fusion takes place via a Multi-Layer Percep- tron (MLP). The model learns to recognise characters using a com- bination of CTC and an attention mechanism.


Change detection plays a vital role in monitoring and analyzing temporal changes in Earth observation tasks. This paper proposes a novel adaptive multi-scale and multi-level features fusion network for change detection in very-high-resolution bi-temporal remote sensing images. The proposed approach has three advantages. Firstly, it excels in abstracting high-level representations empowered by a highly effective feature extraction module.


Multi-modality fusion technologies have greatly improved the performance of neural network-based Video Description/Caption, Visual Question Answering (VQA) and Audio Visual Scene-aware Di-alog (AVSD) over the recent years. Most previous approaches only explore the last layers of multiple layer feature fusion while omit-ting the importance of intermediate layers. To solve the issue for the intermediate layers, we propose an efficient Quaternion Block Net-work (QBN) to learn interaction not only for the last layer but also for all intermediate layers simultaneously.


The presence of auditory and visual senses enables humans to obtain a profound understanding of the real-world scenes. While audio and visual signals are capable of providing scene knowledge individually, the combination of both offers a better insight about the underlying event. In this paper, we address the problem of audio-visual event localization where the goal is to identify the presence of an event that is both audible and visible in a video, using fully or weakly supervised learning.


Human cognition is supported by the combination of multi- modal information from different sources of perception. The two most important modalities are visual and audio. Cross- modal visual-audio generation enables the synthesis of da- ta from one modality following the acquisition of data from another. This brings about the full experience that can only be achieved through the combination of the two. In this pa- per, the Self-Attention mechanism is applied to cross-modal visual-audio generation for the first time.


Occlusion as a common phenomenon in object surface can seriously affect information collection of light field. To visualize light field data-set, occlusions are usually idealized and neglected for most prior light field rendering (LFR) algorithms. However, the 3D spatial structure of some features may be missing to capture some incorrect samples caused by occlusion discontinuities. To solve this problem, we propose an occlusion probability (OCP) model to improve the capturing information and the rendering quality of views with occlusion for the LFR.


Shearlet Transform (ST) is one of the most effective methods for Densely-Sampled Light Field (DSLF) reconstruction from a Sparsely-Sampled Light Field (SSLF). However, ST requires a precise disparity estimation of the SSLF. To this end, in this paper a state-of-the-art optical flow method, i.e. PWC-Net, is employed to estimate bidirectional disparity maps between neighboring views in the SSLF. Moreover, to take full advantage of optical flow and ST for DSLF reconstruction, a novel learning-based method, referred to as Flow-Assisted Shearlet Transform (FAST), is proposed in this paper.

