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Despite the recent success of multi-modal action recognition in videos, in reality, we usually confront the situation that some data are not available beforehand, especially for multimodal data. For example, while vision and audio data are required to address the multi-modal action recognition, audio tracks in videos are easily lost due to the broken files or the limitation of devices. To cope with this sound-missing problem, we present an approach to simulating deep audio feature from merely spatial-temporal vision data.


Music has a powerful influence on a listener's emotions. In this paper, we represent lyrics and chords in a shared vector space using a phrase-aligned chord-and-lyrics corpus. We show that models that use these shared representations predict a listener's emotion while hearing musical passages better than models that do not use these representations. Additionally, we conduct a visual analysis of these learnt shared vector representations and explain how they support existing theories in music.


Mono-modal stereo matching problem has been studied for decades. The introduction of cross-modal stereo systems in industrial scene increases the interest in cross-modal stereo matching. The existing algorithms mostly consider mono-modal setting so they do not translate well in cross-modal setting. Recent development for cross-modal stereo considers small local matching and focus mainly on joint enhancement. Therefore, we propose a guided filter-based stereo matching algorithm. It works by integrating guided filter equation in a basic cost function for cost volume generation.


Human action recognition has a wide range of applications including biometrics and surveillance. Existing methods mostly focus on a single modality, insufficient to characterize variations among different motions. To address this problem, we present a CNN-based human action recognition framework by fusing depth and skeleton modalities. The proposed Adaptive Multiscale Depth Motion Maps (AM-DMMs) are calculated from depth maps to capture shape, motion cues. Moreover, adaptive temporal windows ensure that AM-DMMs are robust to motion speed variations.


Finding visual features and suitable models for lipreading tasks that are more complex than a well-constrained vocabulary has proven challenging. This paper explores state-of-the-art Deep Neural Network architectures for lipreading based on a Sequence to Sequence Recurrent Neural Network. We report results for both hand-crafted and 2D/3D Convolutional Neural Network visual front-ends, online monotonic attention, and a joint Connectionist Temporal Classification-Sequence-to-Sequence loss.


The apparent distance of the camera from the subject of a filmed scene, namely shot scale, is one of the prominent formal features of any filmic product, endowed with both stylistic and narrative functions. In this work we propose to use Convolutional Neural Networks for the automatic classification of shot scale into Close-, Medium-, or Long-shots.


Multi-modality based adult video detection is an effective approach of filtering pornography. However, existing methods lack accurate representation methods of multi-modality semantics. Addressing at the issue, we propose a novel method of bimodal codebooks based adult video detection. Firstly, the audio codebook is created by periodicity analysis from the labeled audio segments. Secondly, the visual codebook is generated by detecting regions-of-interest (ROI) on the basis of saliency analysis.


Sentiment analysis is attracting more and more attentions and has become a very hot research topic due to its potential applications in personalized recommendation, opinion mining, etc. Most of the existing methods are based on either textual or visual data and can not achieve satisfactory results, as it is very hard to extract sufficient information from only one single modality data.

