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The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied image and video processing. ICIP has been held annually since 1994, brings together leading engineers and scientists in image and video processing from around the world. Visit website.

Road safety mapping using satellite images is a cost-effective but a challenging problem for smart city planning. The scarcity of labeled data, misalignment and ambiguity makes it hard to learn efficient embeddings in order to classify between safe and dangerous road segments. In this paper, we address the challenges using a region guided attention network. In our model, we extract global features from a base network and augment it with local features obtained using the region guided attention network. In addition, we perform domain adaptation for unlabeled target data.


Noise level is required as an input parameter in various image processing applications. In this work, we use the dark channel prior (DCP) to estimate the noise level of an image degraded by additive white Gaussian noise. We develop an approximate model of the probability density function of the dark channel of the noisy image. Using this model, the noise level is determined with the maximum likelihood estimation method from the dark channel intensity values of the noisy image.


High-frequency noise is present in several modalities of medical images. It originates from the acquisition process, scanner configurations, the scanned body, or to other external factors. This way, prospective filters are an important tool to improve image quality. In this paper, we propose a non-local weighted operational anisotropic diffusion filter and evaluate its effect on magnetic resonance images and on kV/CBCT radiotherapy images. We also provide a detailed analysis of non-local parameter settings.


Backdoor attacks against CNNs represent a new threat against deep learning systems, due to the possibility of corrupting the training set so to induce an incorrect behaviour at test time. To avoid that the trainer recognises the presence of the corrupted samples, the corruption of the training set must be as stealthy as possible. Previous works have focused on the stealthiness of the perturbation injected into the training samples, however they all assume that the labels of the corrupted samples are also poisoned.


The notorious incident of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) can easily happen to a newborn due to many environmental factors. To prevent such tragic incidents from happening, we propose a multi-task deep learning framework that detects different facial traits and two life-threatening indicators, i.e. which facial parts are occluded or covered, by analyzing the infant head image. Furthermore, we extend and adapt the recently developed models that capture data-dependent uncertainty from noisy observations for our application.


High quality algorithms are demanded to reconstruct distorted color images in a variety of applications. For example, distortions can result during transmission over lossy channels in image coding or in multi-view imaging scenarios. In general, not all color channels are equally affected and the losses distribute differently in-between channels. However, state-of-the-art methods process color channels independently and do not take the cross color information into account.


Few-shot learning (FSL) addresses learning tasks in which only few samples are available for selected object categories. In this paper, we propose a deep learning framework for data hallucination, which overcomes the above limitation and alleviates possible overfitting problems. In particular, our method exploits semantic information into the hallucination process, and thus the augmented data would be able to exhibit semantics-oriented modes of variation for improved FSL performances.

