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3D object retrieval involves more efforts mainly because major computer vision features are designed for 2D images, which is rarely applicable for 3D models. In this paper, we propose to retrieve the 3D models based on the implicit parameters learned from the radial base functions that represent the 3D objects. The radial base functions are learned from the RBF neural network. As deep neural networks can represent the data that is not linearly separable, we apply multiple layers' neural network to train the radial base functions.


In this paper, we enhance feature representation ability of person re-identification (Re-ID) by learning invariances to hard examples. Unlike previous works of hard examples mining and generating in image level, we propose a dual reverse attention network (DRANet) to generate hard examples in the convolutional feature space. Specifically, we use a classification branch of attention mechanism to model that ‘what’ in channel and ‘where’ in spatial dimensions are informative in the feature maps.


This paper proposes an approach to automatically categorize the social interactions of a user wearing a photo-camera (2fpm), by relying solely on what the camera is seeing. The problem is challenging due to the overwhelming complexity of social life and the extreme intra-class variability of social interactions captured under unconstrained conditions. We adopt the formalization proposed in Bugental’s social theory, that groups human relations into five social domains with related categories.


Vehicle localization is a critical component for autonomous driving, which estimates the position and orientation of vehicles. To achieve the goal of quick and accurate localization, we develop a system that can dynamically switch the features applied for localization. Specifically, we develop a feature based on convolutional neural network targeting at accurate matching, which proves high rotation invariant property that can help to overcome the relatively large error when vehicles turning at corners.


Pedestrian attributes, e.g., hair length, clothes type and color, locally describe the semantic appearance of a person. Training person re-identification (ReID) algorithms under the supervision of such attributes have proven to be effective in extracting local features. Different from person identity, at- tributes are consistent across different domains (or datasets). However, most of ReID datasets lack attribute annotations. On the other hand, there are several datasets labeled with sufficient attributes for the case of pedestrian attribute recognition.


From video streaming to security and surveillance applications , video data play an important role in our daily living today. However, managing a large amount of video data and retrieving the most useful information for the user remain a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a novel video classification system that would benefit the scene understanding task. We define our classification problem as classifying background and foreground motions using the same feature representation for outdoor scenes.

