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In low light condition, color (RGB) images captured by camera contain much noise and loss of details and color. However, near infrared (NIR) images are robust to noise and have clear textures without color. In this paper, we propose multi-spectral fusion of RGB and NIR images using weighted least squares (WLS) and alternating guidance. Low light RGB images provide coarse image structure and color, while NIR images offer clear textures in a short distance. Since they are complementary, we adopt alternating guidance for fusion of RGB and NIR images based on WLS.


We address the problem of sharpening low spatial-resolution multi-spectral (MS) images with their associated misaligned high spatial-resolution panchromatic (PAN) image, based on priors on the spatial blur kernel and on the cross-channel relationship. In particular, we formulate the blind pan-sharpening problem within a multi-convex optimization framework using total generalized variation for the blur kernel and local Laplacian prior for the cross-channel relationship.


Tele-wide camera system with different Field of View (FoV) lenses becomes very popular in recent mobile devices. Usually it is difficult to obtain full-FoV depth based on traditional stereo-matching methods. Pure Deep Neural Network (DNN) based depth estimation methods can obtain full-FoV depth, but have low robustness for scenarios which are not covered by training dataset.


Time-lapse of user captured video becomes popular in many applications recently, non-uniform sampling and digital video stabilization (VS) are usually two independent steps to keep meaningful contents and provide stabilized output. However, non-uniform sampling may produce large sampling interval and then result in larger motion, this would beyond the stabilization ability of VS and produce unpleasant output.


Recently, regarding several beneficial properties of depth camera, numerous 3D action recognition frameworks have studied high-level features by exploiting deep learning techniques, but nevertheless they cannot seize the meaningful characteristics of static human pose and dynamic action motion of a whole action. This paper introduces a deep network configured by two parallel streams of convolutional stacks for fully learning the deep intra-frame joint associations and inter-frame joint correlations, wherein the structure of each stream is learned from Inception-v3.


Many signal processing methods break the target signal into overlapping patches, process them separately, and then stitch them back to produce an output. How to merge the resulting patches at the overlaps is central to such methods. We propose a novel framework for this type of problem based on the idea that estimated patches should coincide at the overlaps (consensus), and develop an algorithm for solving the general problem. In particular, an efficient method for projecting patches onto the consensus constraint is presented.


Many deep learning applications benefit from multi-task learning with several related objectives. In autonomous driving scenarios, being able to accurately infer motion and spatial information is essential for scene understanding. In this paper, we combine an adaptive feature refinement module and a unified framework for joint learning of optical flow, depth and camera pose estimation in an unsupervised manner.

