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Household speaker identification with few enrollment utterances is an important yet challenging problem, especially when household members share similar voice characteristics and room acoustics. A common embedding space learned from a large number of speakers is not universally applicable for the optimal identification of every speaker in a household.


Inspired by deep learning applications in structural mechanics, we focus on how to train two predictors to model the relation between the vibrational response of a prescribed point of a wooden plate and its material properties. In particular, the eigenfrequencies of the plate are estimated via multilinear regression, whereas their amplitude is predicted by a feedforward neural network.


Graphs are fundamental mathematical structures used in various fields to model statistical and physical relationships between data, signals, and processes. In some applications, such as data processing in graphs that represent physical networks, the initial network topology is known. However, disconnections of edges in the network change the topology and may affect the signals and processes over the network. In this paper, we consider the problem of edge disconnection identification in networks by using concepts from graph signal processing.


Detecting emotions directly from a speech signal plays an important role in effective human-computer interactions. Existing speech emotion recognition models require massive computational and storage resources, making them hard to implement concurrently with other machine-interactive tasks in embedded systems. In this paper, we propose an efficient and lightweight fully convolutional neural network (FCNN) for speech emotion recognition in systems with limited hardware resources.


We propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) aided factor graphs assisted by mutual information features estimated by a neural network for seizure detection. Specifically, we use neural mutual information estimation to evaluate the correlation between different electroencephalogram (EEG) channels as features. We then use a 1D-CNN to extract extra features from the EEG signals and use both features to estimate the probability of a seizure event. Finally, learned factor graphs are employed to capture the temporal correlation in the signal.


Event detection is challenging in real-world application since new events continually occur and old events still exist which may result in repeated labeling for old events. There- fore, incremental event detection is essential where a model continuously learns new events and meanwhile prevents per- formance from degrading on old events.

