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ICASSP is the world's largest and most comprehensive technical conference on signal processing and its applications. It provides a fantastic networking opportunity for like-minded professionals from around the world. ICASSP 2016 conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers and cutting-edge session topics.

Spoken language interfaces are being incorporated into various devices such as smart phones and TVs. However, dialogue systems may fail to respond correctly when users’ request functionality is not supported by currently installed apps. This paper proposes a feature-enriched matrix factorization (MF) approach to model open domain intents, which allows a system to dynamically add unexplored domains according to users’ requests.


The recent surge of intelligent personal assistants motivates spoken language understanding of dialogue systems. However, the domain constraint along with the inflexible intent schema remains a big issue. This paper focuses on the task of intent expansion, which helps remove the domain limit and make an intent schema flexible. A convolutional deep structured semantic model (CDSSM) is applied to jointly learn the representations for human intents and associated utterances.


Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (ConvRBM) as a model for speech signal is presented in this paper. We have
developed ConvRBM with sampling from noisy rectified linear units (NReLUs). ConvRBM is trained in an unsupervised way to model speech signal of arbitrary lengths. Weights of the model can represent an auditory-like filterbank. Our


Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (ConvRBM) as a model for speech signal is presented in this paper. We have
developed ConvRBM with sampling from noisy rectified linear units (NReLUs). ConvRBM is trained in an unsupervised way to model speech signal of arbitrary lengths. Weights of the model can represent an auditory-like filterbank. Our

