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Sparse Modeling in Image Processing and Deep LearningSparse approximation is a well-established theory, with a profound impact on the fields of signal and image processing. In this talk we start by presenting this model and its features, and then turn to describe two special cases of it – the convolutional sparse coding (CSC) and its multi-layered version (ML-CSC).  Amazingly, as we will carefully show, ML-CSC provides a solid theoretical foundation to … deep-learning.


Recently, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has been widely adopted for community detection, because of its better interpretability. However, the existing NMF-based methods have the following three problems: 1) they directly transform the original network into community membership space, so it is difficult for them to capture the hierarchical information; 2) they often only pay attention to the topology of the network and ignore its node attributes; 3) it is hard for them to learn the global structure information necessary for community detection.


Recently, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has been widely adopted for community detection, because of its better interpretability. However, the existing NMF-based methods have the following three problems: 1) they directly transform the original network into community membership space, so it is difficult for them to capture the hierarchical information; 2) they often only pay attention to the topology of the network and ignore its node attributes; 3) it is hard for them to learn the global structure information necessary for community detection.


Neuromorphic computing and, in particular, spiking neural networks (SNNs) have become an attractive alternative to deep neural networks for a broad range of signal processing applications, processing static and/or temporal inputs from different sensory modalities, including audio and vision sensors. In this paper, we start with a description of recent advances in algorithmic and optimization innovations to efficiently train and scale low-latency, and energy-efficient spiking neural networks (SNNs) for complex machine learning applications.


Spiking Neural networks (SNN) have emerged as an attractive spatio-temporal computing paradigm for a wide range of low-power vision tasks. However, state-of-the-art (SOTA) SNN models either incur multiple time steps which hinder their deployment in real-time use cases or increase the training complexity significantly. To mitigate this concern, we present a training framework (from scratch) for SNNs with ultra-low (down to 1) time steps that leverages the Hoyer regularizer. We calculate the threshold for each BANN layer as the Hoyer extremum of a clipped version of its activation map.


The most successful multi-domain text classification (MDTC) approaches employ the shared-private paradigm to facilitate the enhancement of domain-invariant features through domain-specific attributes. Additionally, they employ adversarial training to align marginal feature distributions. Nevertheless, these methodologies encounter two primary challenges: (1) Neglecting class-aware information during adversarial alignment poses a risk of misalignment; (2) The limited availability of labeled data across multiple domains fails to ensure adequate discriminative capacity for the model.


Multi-Source Diffusion Models (MSDM) allow for compositional musical generation tasks: generating a set of coherent sources, creating accompaniments, and performing source separation. Despite their versatility, they require estimating the joint distribution over the sources, necessitating pre-separated musical data, which is rarely available, and fixing the number and type of sources at training time. This paper generalizes MSDM to arbitrary time-domain diffusion models conditioned on text embeddings.


Learning with noisy labels is a challenging task in machine learning.
Furthermore in reality, label noise can be highly non-uniform
in feature space, e.g. with higher error rate for more difficult samples.
Some recent works consider instance-dependent label noise
but they require additional information such as some cleanly labeled
data and confidence scores, which are usually unavailable or costly
to obtain. In this paper, we consider learning with non-uniform label
noise that requires no such additional information. Inspired by


Neural vocoders model the raw audio waveform and synthesize highquality audio, but even the highly efficient ones, like MB-MelGAN
and LPCNet, fail to run real-time on a low-end device like a smartglass. A pure digital signal processing (DSP) based vocoder can
be implemented via lightweight fast Fourier transforms (FFT), and
therefore, is a magnitude faster than any neural vocoder. A DSP
vocoder often gets a lower audio quality due to consuming oversmoothed acoustic model predictions of approximate representations


As deep neural networks and the datasets used to train them get larger, the default approach to integrating them into re-
search and commercial projects is to download a pre-trained model and fine tune it. But these models can have uncertain
provenance, opening up the possibility that they embed hidden malicious behavior such as trojans or backdoors, where
small changes to an input (triggers) can cause the model toproduce incorrect outputs (e.g., to misclassify). This paper

