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ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The 2019 conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers, cutting-edge session topics and provide a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded professionals from around the world. Visit website.

There is growing interest in the use of coded aperture imaging systems for a variety of applications. Using an analysis framework based on mutual information, we examine the fundamental limits of such systems—and the associated optimum aperture coding—under simple but meaningful propagation and sensor models. Among other results, we show that when SNR is high and thermal noise dominates shot noise, spectrally-flat masks, which have 50% transmissivity, are optimal, but that when shot noise dominates thermal noise, randomly generated masks with lower transmissivity offer greater performance.


In this paper, we study the role of long-time analytic phase of speech
signals in spoken language recognition (SLR) and employ a set
of features termed as instantaneous frequency cepstral coefficients
(IFCC). We extract IFCC from long-time analytic phase, in an effort
to capture long range acoustic features from speech signals. These
features are used in combination with the traditional shifted delta
cepstral coefficients (SDCC) for SLR. As the SDCC are extracted
from spectral magnitude and IFCC are from analytic phase, they


This paper presents a different way to improve the resistance of digital watermarking. Using the well known Lattice QIM in the spatial domain, we analyze the interest of using a different kind of error correcting codes: rank metric codes. These codes are already used in communications for network coding but not used in the context of watermarking. In this article, we show how this metric permits to correct errors with a specific structure and is adapted to specific image attacks. We propose a first study to validate the concept of rank metric for watermarking process.


The task of estimating the fundamental frequency of a monophonic sound recording, also known as pitch tracking, is fundamental to audio processing with multiple applications in speech processing and music information retrieval. To date, the best performing techniques, such as the pYIN algorithm, are based on a combination of DSP pipelines and heuristics. While such techniques perform very well on average, there remain many cases in which they fail to correctly estimate the pitch.

