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ICASSP 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The ICASSP 2021 conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers, cutting-edge session topics and provide a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded professionals from around the world. Visit website.

Continuous-time Sigma-Delta modulators are oversampling Analog-to-Digital converters that may provide higher sampling rates and lower power consumption than their discrete counterpart. Whereas approximation errors are established for high-order discrete time Sigma-Delta modulators, theoretical analysis of the error between the filtered output and the input remain scarce.


We propose an adapter based multi-domain Transformer based language model (LM) for Transformer ASR. The model consists of a big size common LM and small size adapters. The model can perform multi-domain adaptation with only the small size adapters and its related layers. The proposed model can reuse the full fine-tuned LM which is fine-tuned using all layers of an original model. The proposed LM can be expanded to new domains by adding about 2% of parameters for a first domain and 13% parameters for after second domain.


Over the last decades, various conceptually different approaches for fundamental frequency (F0) estimation in monophonic audio recordings have been developed. The algorithms’ performances vary depending on the acoustical and musical properties of the input audio signal. A common strategy to assess the reliability (correctness) of an estimated F0-trajectory is to evaluate against an annotated reference. However, such annotations may not be available for a particular audio collection and are typically laborintensive to generate.


This work examines the problem of learning the topology of a network (graph learning) from the signals produced at a subset of the network nodes (partial observability). This challenging problem was recently tackled assuming that the topology is drawn according to an Erdős-Rényi model, for which it was shown that graph learning under partial observability is achievable, exploiting in particular homogeneity across nodes and independence across edges.


This work examines the problem of learning the topology of a network (graph learning) from the signals produced at a subset of the network nodes (partial observability). This challenging problem was recently tackled assuming that the topology is drawn according to an Erdős-Rényi model, for which it was shown that graph learning under partial observability is achievable, exploiting in particular homogeneity across nodes and independence across edges.


We propose a deep learning-based method that uses spatial and temporal information extracted from the sub-6GHz band to predict/track beams in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) band. In more detail, we consider a dual-band communication system operating in both the sub-6GHz and mmWave bands. The objective is to maximize the achievable mutual information in the mmWave band with a hybrid analog/digital architecture where analog precoders (RF precoders) are taken from a finite codebook.


Many works have been done in direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in the presence of sensor gain and phase uncertainties in the past decades. Most of the existing approaches require either auxiliary sources with exactly known DOAs or perfectly partly calibrated arrays. In this work, we consider sparsely contaminated arrays in which only a few sensors are contaminated by sensor gain and phase errors, and moreover, the number of contaminated sensors as well as their positions are unknown.


Automatic radar based classification of automotive targets, such as pedestrians and cyclist, poses several challenges due to low inter-class variations among different classes and large intra-class variations. Further, different targets required to track in typical automotive scenario can have completely varying dynamics which gets challenging for tracker using conventional state vectors. Compared to state-of-the-art using independent classification and tracking, in this paper, we propose an integrated tracker and classifier leading to a novel Bayesian framework.


Early detection of COVID-19 is key in containing the pandemic. Disease detection and evaluation based on imaging is fast and cheap and therefore plays an important role in COVID-19 handling. COVID-19 is easier to detect in chest CT, however, it is expensive, non-portable, and difficult to disinfect, making it unfit as a point-of-care (POC) modality. On the other hand, chest X-ray (CXR) and lung ultrasound (LUS) are widely used, yet, COVID-19 findings in these modalities are not always very clear.

