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ICASSP 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The ICASSP 2021 conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers, cutting-edge session topics and provide a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded professionals from around the world. Visit website.

To join the advantages of classical and end-to-end approaches for speech recognition, we present a simple, novel and competitive approach for phoneme-based neural transducer modeling. Different alignment label topologies are compared and word-end-based phoneme label augmentation is proposed to improve performance. Utilizing the local dependency of phonemes, we adopt a simplified neural network structure and a straightforward integration with the external word-level language model to preserve the consistency of seq-to-seq modeling.


Low-precision formats have proven to be an efficient way to reduce not only the memory footprint but also the hardware resources and power consumption of deep learning computations. Under this premise, the posit numerical format appears to be a highly viable substitute for the IEEE floating-point, but its application to neural networks training still requires further research. Some preliminary results have shown that 8-bit (and even smaller) posits may be used for inference and 16-bit for training, while maintaining the model accuracy.


This study presents a novel solution to the problem of binaural localization of a speaker in the presence of interfering directional noise and reverberation. Using a state-of-the-art binaural localization algorithm based on a deep neural network (DNN), we propose adding a source separation stage based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) to improve the localization performance in conditions with interfering sources.


This paper describes a joint blind source separation and dereverberation method that works adaptively and efficiently in a reverberant noisy environment. The modern approach to blind source separation (BSS) is to formulate a probabilistic model of multichannel mixture signals that consists of a source model representing the time-frequency structures of source spectrograms and a spatial model representing the inter-channel covariance structures of source images.


In this work, we present a hybrid CTC/Attention model based on a modified ResNet-18 and Convolution-augmented transformer (Conformer), that can be trained in an end-to-end manner. In particular, the audio and visual encoders learn to extract features directly from raw pixels and audio waveforms, respectively, which are then fed to conformers and then fusion takes place via a Multi-Layer Percep- tron (MLP). The model learns to recognise characters using a com- bination of CTC and an attention mechanism.


Recent work introduced a framework for signal processing (SP) on meet/join lattices. Such a lattice is partially ordered and supports a meet (or join) operation that returns the greatest lower bound and the smallest upper bound of two elements, respectively. Lattices appear in various domains and can be used, for example, to express rankings in social choice theory or multisets in combinatorial auctions. Discrete lattice SP (DLSP) uses the meet operation as shift and derives associated notions of convolution and Fourier transform for signals indexed by lattices.


In this paper, we ask whether vocal source features (pitch, shimmer, jitter, etc) can improve the performance of automatic sung


While globally optimal solutions to many convex programs can be computed efficiently in polynomial time, this is, in general, not possible for nonconvex optimization problems. Therefore, locally optimal approaches or other efficient suboptimal heuristics are usually applied for practical implementations. However, there is also a strong interest in computing globally optimal solutions of nonconvex problems in offline simulations in order to benchmark faster suboptimal algorithms. Global solutions often rely on monotonicity properties.

