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ICIP 2021 - The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied image and video processing. ICIP has been held annually since 1994, brings together leading engineers and scientists in image and video processing from around the world. Visit website.

High dynamic range (HDR) image formation from low dynamic range (LDR) images of different exposures is a well researched topic in the past two decades.
However, most of the developed techniques consider differently exposed LDR images that are acquired from the same camera view point, which assumes the scene to be static long enough to capture multiple images.
In this paper, we propose to address the problem of HDR imaging from differently exposed LDR stereo images using an encoder-decoder based convolutional neural network (CNN).


A novel method based on time-lag aware multi-modal variational autoencoder for prediction of important scenes (Tl-MVAE-PIS) using baseball videos and tweets posted on Twitter is presented in this paper. This paper has the following two technical contributions. First, to effectively use heterogeneous data for the prediction of important scenes, we transform textual, visual and audio features obtained from tweets and videos to the latent features. Then Tl-MVAE-PIS can flexibly express the relationships between them in the constructed latent space.


A novel method based on time-lag aware multi-modal variational autoencoder for prediction of important scenes (Tl-MVAE-PIS) using baseball videos and tweets posted on Twitter is presented in this paper. This paper has the following two technical contributions. First, to effectively use heterogeneous data for the prediction of important scenes, we transform textual, visual and audio features obtained from tweets and videos to the latent features. Then Tl-MVAE-PIS can flexibly express the relationships between them in the constructed latent space.


We introduce a new method for generating color images from sketches or edge maps. Current methods either require some form of additional user-guidance or are limited to the ``paired’’ translation approach. We argue that segmentation information could provide valuable guidance for sketch colorization. To this end, we propose to leverage semantic image segmentation, as provided by a general purpose panoptic segmentation network, to create an additional adversarial loss function. Our loss function can be integrated to any baseline GAN model.


Correlative imaging workflows are now widely used in bio-imaging and aims to image the same sample using at least two different and complementary imaging modalities. Part of the workflow relies on finding the transformation linking a source image to a target image. We are specifically interested in the estimation of registration error in point-based registration.


Visual light photography, infrared reflectography, ultraviolet fluorescence photography and x-radiography reveal even hidden compositional layers in paintings. To investigate the connections between these images, a multi-modal registration is essential. Due to varying image resolutions, modality dependent image content and depiction styles, registration poses a challenge. Historical paintings usually show crack structures called craquelure in the paint.

