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4D effects are physical effects simulated in sync with videos, movies, and games to augment the events occurring in a story or a virtual world. Types of 4D effects commonly used for the immersive media may include seat motion, vibration, flash, wind, water, scent, thunderstorm, snow, and fog. Currently, the recognition of physical effects from a video is mainly conducted by human experts. Although 4D effects are promising in giving immersive experience and entertainment, this manual production has been the main obstacle to faster and wider application of 4D effects.


This paper proposes a combinational regularization model for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image despeckling. In contrast to most of the well-known regularization methods that only use one image prior property, the proposed combinational regularization model includes both fractional-order total variation (FrTV) regularization term and nonlocal low rank (NLR) regularization term.


In this paper, we present a novel fully automatic approach to track the same human across multiple disjoint cameras. Our framework includes a two-phase feature extractor and an online-learning-based camera link model estimation. We introduce an effective and robust integration of appearance and context features. Couples are detected automatically, and the couple feature is also integrated with appearance features effectively. The proposed algorithm is scalable with the use of a fully unsupervised online learning framework.


The topological derivative (TD) for shape analysis has been employed
in image segmentation, and machine learning schemes based on
convolutional neural network (CNN) provide the high performance in
the image processing. The supervised and unsupervised approaches
have different roles and advantages according to their concepts. To
maximize the benefits of two approaches, we propose CNN-TD based
segmentation approach. A CNN-based segmentation scheme is employed
to faithfully consider the characteristics of an object to be


We propose a semi-supervised algorithm for processing and classification of hyperspectral imagery. For initialization, we keep 20% of the data intact, and use Principal Component Analysis to discard voxels from noisier bands and pixels. Then, we use either an Accelerated Proximal Gradient algorithm (APGL), or a modified APGL algorithm with a penalty term for distance between inpainted pixels and endmembers (APGL Hyp), on the initialized datacube to inpaint the missing data. APGL and APGL Hyp are distinguished by performance on datasets with full pixels removed or extreme noise.

