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As an increasing amount of image and video content will be analyzed by machines, there is demand for a new codec paradigm that is capable of compressing visual input primarily for the purpose of computer vision inference, while secondarily supporting input reconstruction. In this work, we propose a learned compression architecture that can be used to build such a codec. We introduce a novel variational formulation that explicitly takes feature data relevant to the desired inference task as input at the encoder side.


This paper addresses the problem of defect segmentation in semiconductor manufacturing. The input of our segmentation is a scanning-electron-microscopy (SEM) image of the candidate defect region. We train a U-net shape network to segment defects using a dataset of clean background images. The samples of the training phase are produced automatically such that no manual labeling is required. To enrich the dataset of clean background samples, we apply defect implant augmentation. To that end, we apply a copy-and-paste of a random image patch in the clean specimen.


Multi-temporal remotely sensed observations acquired by multi-spectral sensors contain a wealth of information related to the Earth’s state. Deep learning methods have demonstrated a great potential in analyzing such observations. Traditional 2D and 3D approaches are unable to effectively extract valuable information encoded across all available dimensions.


Neural Collapse is a phenomenon recently discovered in deep classifiers where the last layer activations collapse onto their class means, while the means and last layer weights take on the structure of dual equiangular tight frames. In this paper we present results showing the role of weight decay in the emergence of Neural Collapse in deep homogeneous networks. We show that certain near-interpolating minima of deep networks satisfy the Neural Collapse condition, and this can be derived from the gradient flow on the regularized square loss.


Transformer-based architectures have been the subject of research aimed at understanding their overparameterization and the non-uniform importance of their layers. Applying these approaches to Automatic Speech Recognition, we demonstrate that the state-of-the-art Conformer models generally have multiple ambient layers. We study the stability of these layers across runs and model sizes, propose that group normalization may be used without disrupting their formation, and examine their correlation with model weight updates in each layer.


Transformer-based architectures have been the subject of research aimed at understanding their overparameterization and the non-uniform importance of their layers. Applying these approaches to Automatic Speech Recognition, we demonstrate that the state-of-the-art Conformer models generally have multiple ambient layers. We study the stability of these layers across runs and model sizes, propose that group normalization may be used without disrupting their formation, and examine their correlation with model weight updates in each layer.


Recently, it has been shown that, in spite of the significant performance of deep neural networks in different fields, those are vulnerable to adversarial examples. In this paper, we propose a gradient-based adversarial attack against transformer-based text classifiers. The adversarial perturbation in our method is imposed to be block-sparse so that the resultant adversarial example differs from the original sentence in only a few words. Due to the discrete nature of textual data, we perform gradient projection to find the minimizer of our proposed optimization problem.

