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Real-world image recognition systems often face corrupted input images, which cause distribution shifts and degrade the performance of models. These systems often use a single prediction model in a central server and process images sent from various environments, such as cameras distributed in cities or cars. Such single models face images corrupted in heterogeneous ways in test time. Thus, they require to instantly adapt to the multiple corruptions during testing rather than being re-trained at a high cost.


We propose Recall Encoder-empowered GAN3 (REncGAN3), employing the recall mechanism to enable a standard short video (16-frame) generation model EncGAN3 for generating long videos of hundreds of frames.
The recall mechanism utilizes simple changes that enable the generation of connectable short video clips for merging into long sequences, maintaining long-duration consistency.


This paper presents a technique to interpret and visualize intermediate layers in generative CNNs trained on raw speech data in an unsupervised manner. We argue that averaging over feature maps after ReLU activation in each transpose convolutional layer yields interpretable time-series data. This technique allows for acoustic analysis of intermediate layers that parallels the acoustic analysis of human speech data: we can extract F0, intensity, duration, formants, and other acoustic properties from intermediate layers in order to test where and how CNNs encode various types of information.


While much effort has been devoted to deriving and analyzing effective convex formulations of signal processing problems, the gradients of convex functions also have critical applications ranging from gradient-based optimization to optimal transport. Recent works have explored data-driven methods for learning convex objective functions, but learning their monotone gradients is seldom studied. In this work, we propose C-MGN and M-MGN, two monotone gradient neural network architectures for directly learning the gradients of convex functions.


Melody harmonization has long been closely associated with chorales composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Previous works rarely emphasised chorale generation conditioned on chord progressions, and there has been a lack of focus on assistive compositional tools. In this paper, we first designed a music representation that encoded chord symbols for chord conditioning, and then proposed DeepChoir, a melody harmonization system that can generate a four-part chorale for a given melody conditioned on a chord progression.


Point cloud completion aims to accurately estimate complete point clouds from partial observations. Existing methods often directly infer the missing points from the partial shape, but they suffer from limited structural information. To address this, we propose the Bilateral Coarse-to-Fine Network (BCFNet), which leverages 2D images as guidance to compensate for structural information loss. Our method introduces a multi-level codeword skip-connection to estimate structural details.


Data selection is essential for any data-based optimization technique, such as Reinforcement Learning. State-of-the-art sampling strategies for the experience replay buffer improve the performance of the Reinforcement Learning agent. However, they do not incorporate uncertainty in the Q-Value estimation. Consequently, they cannot adapt the sampling strategies, including exploration and exploitation of transitions, to the complexity of the task.


A fundamental problem in signal processing is to denoise a signal. While there are many well-performing methods for denoising signals defined on regular domains, including images defined on a two-dimensional pixel grid, many important classes of signals are defined over irregular domains that can be conveniently represented by a graph. This paper introduces two untrained graph neural network architectures for graph signal denoising, develops theoretical guarantees for their denoising capabilities in a simple setup, and provides empirical evidence in more general scenarios.


Masked Autoencoders is a simple yet powerful self-supervised learning method. However, it learns representations indirectly by reconstructing masked input patches. Several methods learn representations directly by predicting representations of masked patches; however, we think using all patches to encode training signal representations is suboptimal. We propose a new method, Masked Modeling Duo (M2D), that learns representations directly while obtaining training signals using only masked patches.

