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The 6th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)  focuses on signal and information processing with an emphasis on up-and-coming signal processing themes. The conference features world-class plenary speeches, distinguished symposium talks, tutorials, exhibits, oral and poster sessions, and panels. GlobalSIP is comprised of co-located General Symposium and symposia selected based on responses to the call-for-symposia proposals.

Recently, cyber-attacks to smart energy grid has become a critical subject for Energy System Operators (ESOs). To keep the energy grid cyber-secured, the attacker’s behavior, resources and goals must be modeled properly. Then, the counter-measurement actions can be designed based on the attacker's model. In this paper, a new zero-sum game based on the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is presented. The attacker to energy smart grid pursues two objects.


Distribution grids are currently challenged by frequent voltage excursions induced by intermittent solar generation. Smart inverters have been advocated as a fast-responding means to regulate voltage and minimize ohmic losses. Since optimal inverter coordination may be computationally challenging and preset local control rules are subpar, the approach of customized control rules designed in a quasi-static fashion features as a golden middle. Departing from affine control rules, this work puts forth non-linear inverter control policies.


Direction of arrival (DOA) information of a signal is important in communications, localization, object tracking and so on. Frequency-domain-based time-delay estimation is capable of achieving DOA in subsample accuracy; however, it suffers from the phase wrapping problem. In this paper, a frequency-diversity based method is proposed to overcome the phase wrapping problem. Inspired by the machine learning technique of random ferns, an algorithm is proposed to speed up the search procedure.


Neural spiking responses are generated by both extrinsic covariates such as sensory variables and intrinsic covariates such as those rep-resenting the state of a system. Although the external covariates can be directly controlled or measured; the internal factors are hard, if not impossible, to control or even observe. This study provides a statistical framework that enables characterization of the unobserved factors controlling neuronal response variability induced by behavior, with the model parameters fitted directly to real spiking data.


Power outages have a major impact on economic development due to the dependence of (virtually all) productive sectors on electric power. Thus, many resources within the scientific and engineering communities have been employed to improve the efficiency and reliability of power grids. In particular, we consider the problem of predicting power outages based on the current weather conditions. Weather measurements taken by a sensor network naturally fit within the graph signal processing framework since the measurements are related by the relative position of the sensors.

