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ICASSP is the world's largest and most comprehensive technical conference on signal processing and its applications. It provides a fantastic networking opportunity for like-minded professionals from around the world. ICASSP 2017 conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers and cutting-edge session topics. Visit ICASSP 2017

In this paper, we present a low-latency scheme for real-time blind source separation (BSS) based on online auxiliary-function-based independent vector analysis (AuxIVA). In many real-time audio ap- plications, especially hearing aids, low latency is highly desirable. Conventional frequency-domain BSS methods suffer from a delay caused by frame analysis. To reduce the delay, we implement sep- aration filters as multiple FIR filters in the time domain, which are converted from demixing matrices estimated by online AuxIVA in the frequency domain.


While convex optimization for low-light imaging has received some attention by the imaging community, non-convex optimization techniques for photon-limited imaging are still in their nascent stages. In this thesis, we developed a stage-based non-convex approach to recover high-resolution sparse signals from low-dimensional measurements corrupted by Poisson noise. We incorporate gradient-based information to construct a sequence of quadratic subproblems with an $\ell_p$-norm ($0 \leq p < 1$) penalty term to promote sparsity.


Single materials have colors which form straight lines in RGB space. However, in severe shadow cases, those lines do not intersect the origin, which is inconsistent with the description of most literature. This paper is concerned with the detection and correction of the offset between the intersection and origin. First, we analyze the reason for forming that offset via an optical imaging model. Second, we present a simple and effective way to detect and remove the offset.


This paper presents preliminary results for motion behavior analysis of Madagascar hissing cockroach biobots subject to stochastic and periodic neurostimulation pulses corresponding to randomly applied right and left turn, and move forward commands. We present our experimental setup and propose an unguided search strategy based stimulation profile designed for exploration of unknown environments. We study a probabilistic motion model fitted to the trajectories of biobots, perturbed from their natural motion by the stimulation pulses.

