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ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The 2019 conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers, cutting-edge session topics and provide a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded professionals from around the world. Visit website.

Deep neural networks inherently have large representational power for approximating complex target functions. However,


Hard shadows detection and removal from foreground masks is a challenging step in change detection. This paper gives a simple and effective method to address hard shadows. There are inside portion and boundary portion in hard shadows. Pixel-wise neighborhood ratio is calculated to remove the most of inside shadow points. For the boundaries of shadow regions, we take advantage of color constancy to eliminate the edges of hard shadows and obtain relative accurate objects contours. Then, morphology processing is explored to enhance the integrity of objects.


The electroencephalography classifier is the most important component of brain-computer interface based systems. There are two major problems hindering the improvement of it. First, traditional methods do not fully exploit multimodal information. Second, large-scale annotated EEG datasets are almost impossible to acquire because biological data acquisition is challenging and quality annotation is costly. Herein, we propose a novel deep transfer learning approach to solve these two problems.


Diagnosis of melanoma is fraught with uncertainty, and discordance rates among physicians remain high because of the lack of a definitive criterion. Motivated by this challenge, this paper first introduces the Patch Weyl transform (PWT), a 2-dimensional variant of the Weyl transform. It then presents a method for classifying pump-probe images of melanocytic lesions based on the PWT coefficients.


This paper addresses the task of Automatic Speech Recognition
(ASR) with music in the background. We consider two different
situations: 1) scenarios with very small amount of labeled training
utterances (duration 1 hour) and 2) scenarios with large amount of
labeled training utterances (duration 132 hours). In these situations,
we aim to achieve robust recognition. To this end we investigate
the following techniques: a) multi-condition training of the acoustic
model, b) denoising autoencoders for feature enhancement and c)


Many smart devices now support high-quality speech communication services at super-wide bandwidths. Often, however, speech quality is degraded when they are used with networks or devices which lack super-wideband support. Artificial bandwidth extension can then be used to improve speech quality. While approaches to wideband extension have been reported previously, this paper proposes an approach to super-wide bandwidth extension.


In noisy and reverberant environments speech enhancement techniques such as the multi-channel Wiener filter (MWF) can be used to improve speech quality and intelligibility. Assuming that reverberation and ambient noise can be modeled as diffuse sound fields, such techniques require an estimate of the diffuse power spectral density (PSD). Recently a multi-channel diffuse PSD estimator based on the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) of the prewhitened signal PSD matrix was proposed.

