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This tutorial aims to equip the participants with basic and advanced signal processing techniques that can be used in VR/AR applications to create a natural and augmented listening experience using headsets.
This tutorial is divided into 5 sections and cover following topics:
Introduction to spatial audio, fundamentals in natural listening, and emerging audio applications


Most of the existing ultrasound image restoration methods consider a spatially-invariant point-spread function (PSF) model and circulant boundary conditions. While computationally efficient, this model is not realistic and severely limits the quality of reconstructed images. In this work, we address ultrasound image restoration under the hypothesis of vertical variation of the PSF. To regularize the solution, we use the classical elastic net constraint.


Social signals such as laughter and fillers are often observed in natural conversation, and they play various roles in human-to-human communication. Detecting these events is useful for transcription systems to generate rich transcription and for dialogue systems to behave as we do such as synchronized laughing or attentive listening. We have studied an end-to-end approach to directly detect social signals from speech by using connectionist temporal classification (CTC), which is one of the end-to-end sequence labelling models.

