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In this paper, we design a new open-set method to detect deepfakes that does not assume information about the techniques behind the deepfakes generation. Contrary to existing methods, which build upon known telltales left by the deepfake creation process, we assume no prior knowledge about the sample generation, thus presenting a method for blind deepfake detection, a necessary step toward true generalization.


Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising paradigm for decentralized machine learning while preserving data privacy. However, under communication constraints, the standard FL protocol faces the risk of client dropout. Although some research has focused on the risk from the perspectives of communication optimization and privacy protection, it is still challenging to deal with the client dropout issue in dynamic networks, where clients may join or drop the training process at any time.


Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have become widely used in model training, as they can improve performance and/or protect sensitive information by generating data. However, this also raises potential risks, as malicious GANs may compromise or sabotage models by poisoning their training data. Therefore, it is important to verify the origin of a model’s training data for accountability purposes. In this work, we take the first step in the forensic analysis of models trained on GAN-generated data. Specifically, we first detect whether a model is trained on GAN-generated or real data.


In this paper, we develop a framework to achieve a desirable trade-off between fairness, inference accuracy and privacy protection in the inference as service scenario. Instead of sending raw data to the cloud, we conduct a random mapping of the data, which will increase privacy protection and mitigate bias but reduce inference accuracy. To properly address the trade-off, we formulate an optimization problem to find the optimal transformation map. As the problem is nonconvex in general, we develop an iterative algorithm to find the desired map.


Today, in many real-world applications of machine learning algorithms, the data is stored on multiple sources instead of at one central repository. In many such scenarios, due to privacy concerns and legal obligations, e.g., for medical data, and communication/computation overhead, for instance for large-scale data, the raw data cannot be transferred to a center for analysis. Therefore, new machine learning approaches are proposed for learning from the distributed data in such settings. In this paper, we extend the distributed Extremely Randomized Trees (ERT) approach w.r.t.


Nowadays living environments are characterized by networks of inter-connected sensing devices that accomplish different tasks, e.g., video-surveillance of an environment by a network of CCTV cameras. A malicious user could gather sensitive details on people’s activities by eavesdropping the exchanged data packets. To overcome this problem,video streams are protected by encryption systems, but even secured channels may still leak some information.


With the rapid growth of data sharing through social media networks, determining relevant data items concerning a particular subject becomes paramount. We address the issue of establishing which images represent an event of interest through a semi-supervised learning technique. The method learns consistent and shared features related to an event (from a small set of examples) to propagate them to an unlabeled set. We investigate the behavior of five image feature representations considering low- and high-level features and their combinations.


New applications in modern communications are demanding robust and ultra-reliable low latency information exchange such as machine-to-machine and human-to-machine communications. For many of these applications, the identification approach of Ahlswede and Dueck is much more efficient than the classical transmission scheme proposed by Shannon. Previous studies concentrate mainly on identification over discrete channels. We focus on Gaussian channels for their known practical relevance. We deal with secure identification over Gaussian channels.


New applications in modern communications are demanding robust and ultra-reliable low latency information exchange such as machine-to-machine and human-to-machine communications. For many of these applications, the identification approach of Ahlswede and Dueck is much more efficient than the classical transmission scheme proposed by Shannon. Previous studies concentrate mainly on identification over discrete channels. We focus on Gaussian channels for their known practical relevance. We deal with secure identification over Gaussian channels.

