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ICASSP is the world's largest and most comprehensive technical conference on signal processing and its applications. It provides a fantastic networking opportunity for like-minded professionals from around the world. ICASSP 2016 conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers and cutting-edge session topics.

Scalable video coding consists in compressing the video sequence into a layered bitstream where each layer refers to different spatial, temporal or quality representation of the video. Scalability enables compression gain compared to the simulcast encoding of layers thanks to inter-layer predictions. The scalable HEVC extension (SHVC) is the latest scalable technology promising up to 30% bitrate gains under the common test conditions, defined by JCT-VC. These conditions do not consider UHD and use fixed quantization step, which is not relevant in operational environment.


When multiple light paths combine at a given location on an image sensor, an image mixture is created. Demixing or recovering the original constituent components in such cases is a highly ill--posed problem. A number of elegant solutions have thus been developed in the literature, relying on measurement diversity such as polarization, shift, motion, or scene features.


Indoor positioning systems (IPS) based on Wi-Fi signals are gaining popularity recently. IPS based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) could only achieve a precision of several meters due to the strong temporal and spatial variation of indoor environment. On the other hand, IPS based on Channel State Information (CSI) drive the precision into the sub-meter regime with several access points (AP). However, the performance degrades with fewer APs mainly due to the limit of bandwidth.


We consider an oligopoly dynamic pricing problem where the demand model is unknown and the sellers have different marginal costs. We formulate the problem as a repeated game with incomplete information. We develop a dynamic pricing strategy that leads to a Pareto-efficient and subgame-perfect equilibrium and offers a bounded regret over an infinite horizon, where regret is defined as the expected cumulative profit loss as compared to the ideal scenario with a known demand model.


In \cite{Lomb}, Lomb developed a nonlinear regression approach to estimating the frequency of a noisy sinusoid when the measurement times were not equispaced, and a method for correcting the times so that the resulting regression sum of squares appeared very similar to the usual periodogram.

