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Being able to predict whether a song can be a hit has important applications in the music industry. Although it is true that the popularity of a song can be greatly affected by external factors such as social and commercial influences, to which degree audio features computed from musical signals (whom we regard as internal factors) can predict song popularity is an interesting research question on its own.


Environmental sound classification (ESC) is usually conducted based on handcrafted features such as the log-mel feature. Meanwhile, end-to-end classification systems perform feature extraction jointly with classification and have achieved success particularly in image classification. In the same manner, if environmental sounds could be directly learned from the raw waveforms, we would be able to extract a new feature effective for classification that could not have been designed by humans, and this new feature could improve the classification performance.


We propose to use a feature representation obtained by pairwise learning in a low-resource language for query-by-example spoken term detection (QbE-STD). We assume that word pairs identified by humans are available in the low-resource target language. The word pairs are parameterized by a multi-lingual bottleneck feature (BNF) extractor that is trained using transcribed data in high-resource languages. The multi-lingual BNFs of the word pairs are used as an initial feature representation to train an autoencoder (AE).

