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In this paper, we present a kernelized dictionary learning framework for carrying out regression to model signals having a complex non-linear nature. A joint optimization is carried out where the regression weights are learnt together with the dictionary and coefficients. Relevant formulation and dictionary building steps are provided. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, elaborate experimental results using different real-life datasets are presented.


Multiple-instance learning is a framework for learning from data consisting of bags of instances labeled at the bag level. A common assumption in multi-instance learning is that a bag label is positive if and only if at least one instance in the bag is positive. In practice, this assumption may be violated. For example, experts may provide a noisy label to a bag consisting of many instances, to reduce labeling time.


We propose a novel adversarial multi-task learning scheme, aiming at actively curtailing the inter-talker feature variability while maximizing its senone discriminability so as to enhance the performance of a deep neural network (DNN) based ASR system. We call the scheme speaker-invariant training (SIT). In SIT, a DNN acoustic model and a speaker classifier network are jointly optimized to minimize the senone (tied triphone state) classification loss, and simultaneously mini-maximize the speaker classification loss.


The teacher-student (T/S) learning has been shown effective in unsupervised domain adaptation ts_adapt. It is a form of transfer learning, not in terms of the transfer of recognition decisions, but the knowledge of posteriori probabilities in the source domain as evaluated by the teacher model. It learns to handle the speaker and environment variability inherent in and restricted to the speech signal in the target domain without proactively addressing the robustness to other likely conditions. Performance degradation may thus ensue.


A domain adaptation method for urban scene segmentation is proposed in this work. We develop a fully convolutional tri-branch network, where two branches assign pseudo labels to images in the unlabeled target domain while the third branch is trained with supervision based on images in the pseudo-labeled target domain. The re-labeling and re-training processes alternate. With this design, the tri-branch network learns target-specific discriminative representations progressively and, as a result, the cross-domain capability of the segmenter improves.


In this paper, we study the problem of locating a predefined sequence of patterns in a time series. In particular, the studied scenario assumes a theoretical model is available that contains the expected locations of the patterns. This problem is found in several contexts, and it is commonly solved by first synthesizing a time series from the model, and then aligning it to the true time series through dynamic time warping. We propose a technique that increases the similarity of both time series before aligning them, by mapping them into a latent correlation space.


Matrix completion refers to the recovery of a low‐rank matrix from only a subset of its possibly noisy entries, and has a variety of important applications such as collaborative filtering, image inpainting and restoration, system identification, node localization and genotype imputation. It is because many real-world signals can be approximated by a matrix whose rank is much smaller than the row and column numbers. Most techniques for matrix completion in the literature assume Gaussian noise and thus they are not robust to outliers.


In this paper we examine a technique for developing prognostic image characteristics, termed radiomics, for non-small cell lung cancer based on a tumour edge region-based analysis. Texture features were extracted from the rind of the tumour in a publicly available 3D CT data set to predict two-year survival. The derived models were compared against the previous methods of training radiomic signatures that are descriptive of the whole tumour volume. Radiomic features derived solely from regions external, but neighbouring, the tumour were shown to also have prognostic value.

